vrijdag 6 augustus 2010

Day 8

Day 7

We were happy that this morning, the breakfast could be some later, because we were very tired of last night..
When we finished breakfast, the Spanish presentation could start, so we listened to the presentation, when the presentation was ended,
we were going to pack our swimming clothes or other things so could go to Porteroze. We travelled by bus, so we could sleep some more!
We liked the trip to Porteroze, we were send away by the waiter, because we only wanted coffee, he was like; ''Fuck off, we want to sell food!!''.
He doesn't said it in words, but his face said enough...
Then, we went for a discusting cup of coffee, you couldn't name it a cup.. Because it was so tiny, like you could only get a teaspoon out of it,
so we decided to take it like a alcohol shot. Also the waiter didn't speak English, but German.. So we could laugh about it, beacuse we find it very funny to hear German.
After that we went for a nice kebab! It was really nice:).
After the kebab we went for a walk to the sea and back to the boulevard.Then we went to the supermarket, for Boir and Bounty!
*Ask some Dutch guy or girl what BOIR means! ;)*
Then we've sat on a bench on a field nearby the supermarket, and drank BOIR, and ate BOUNTY. Like New Kids on the block.
Here a picture so you could imagine us (Eddie, Ludo and Rick) sitting there;).

Seizoen 3 New Kids [deel 2] | Flabber
The New Kids drinking BOIR on the Beach

Then we want some fields were the produce salt, it was nice to see and we were really amazed that
was mud althought the mud really looks dirty. What a beautiful organisms those bacterias.
We love them rightnow. It was also lovely to see another side of the Slovenian wheather and liked our wet clothes

Day 6

De best 5 pictures from the days before....

Day 5

After eating pizza for breakfast we started with workshops about harming the environement in our own countries. It turned out that pollution is almost part of culture: each country is different but shares also lot of simularities :) It also turned out that pollution itself isn't the biggest problem, but our ignorance.
Fight against reasons not against consequences


Day 4

Today we went for a trip through Slovenia. First of all we went to a waste water cleaning system. It was smaller (less baths) than system we know in The Netherlands

So we are wondering if the outlet water can be 'Europes cleaneast'. A fact is that the water that goes out is a lot cleaner and doesn't smell anymore. Actually the bacteria didn't work hard enough, the water was very cold.

After we went to the North-West part of Slovenia. We went to ate a pizza that even for Dutch people was too big. When we finished we went to Bled to swim in the lake. We were wondering why we drove for 1,5 hour when you're so close to another lake that looked nice as well. We would have liked it, because in our opinion the time in Lake Bled was to short. Being longer at the lake would also have been good for the group: in and next to the water you'll be beter mixed up than when everybody is sleeping in a bus.

After all we have had a nice day and we are sure everybody had fun.

Day 3

This morning we watched the movie ‘’An inconvenient truth’’.
This is a controversial movie worldwide, there is a lot of scepsis about this movie and some errors concerning environments changes.
Ofcourse it is a fact that temperature on planet Earth is rising but scientists are still debating on the causes of this. That is why we still have our doubts about Al Gore’s presentation.
One thing we concord is that the Greenhouse effect is a natural cause. Humans have influence in this effect but not as much as Al Gore suggests.
The global problems caused by the Greenhouse effect were well known by the participants. After the movie we discussed causes, effects, poluters and sulotions. Intensive discussion did’nt occur since everyone agreed  about the poluters and solutions. This was more or less a repeat of what we have have learned in school and experience in practice.
When we talk about solutions we can offer to reduce the Greenhouse effect we Dutch are more concerned of prevailing the sea level to rise, most part of The Netherlands will disappear under water if the dikes, dunes and dams break. We start with ourselves to safe the evironment, simple things we can do in our own surrounding, such as :
Conscious use of energy, such as don’t leave the TV on standby and turn off the lights when you don’t need it
Use of the bicycle when going for short distances
Instead of turning the central heating in the house, stop whining and put on an extra sweater!
Recycle garbage at home, instead of throwing on to the street!
We can protect the environment, the first start is always with yourselve. In order to protect the environment and mother Earth, the entire humanity has to work together to safe her. More use of natural resources, such as windmills and water dams, and better treatment of garbage.
If we don’t act now, soon we will poluter our beautiful planet.